By selfie fractions, we understand that a fraction, where numerator and denominators are represented by same digits, with basic operation. Patterned selfie fractions are understand as selfie fractions extendable in symmetric way. There are two types of patterned selfie fractions. One is multiplicative type and another is splitted type. This paper brings splitted selfie fraction patterns where we use the repetition of digits. This can be accessed at the following link:

Inder J. Taneja, Patterns in Splitted Selfie Fractions, Zenodo, July 30, 2023, pp. 1-122,


  1. Inder J. Taneja, Selfie Fractions: Addable, Subtractable, Dottable and PotentiableZenodo, March 24, 2019, pp. 1-260,
  2. Inder J. Taneja, Pandigital Equivalent Selfie FractionsZenodo, April 02, 2019, pp. 1-392,
  3. Inder J. Taneja, Repeated Digits Selfie Fractions: Two and Three Digits NumeratorsZenodo, Septembr 12, 2019, pp. 1-1091,
  4. Inder J. Taneja, Different Digits Selfie Fractions: Two and Three Digits Numerators – RevisedZenodo, September, 12, 2019, pp. 1-337,
  5. Inder J. Taneja, Different Digits Selfie Fractions: Four Digits NumeratorZenodo, October 06, 2019, pp. 1-844,
  6. Inder J. Taneja, Different Digits Selfie Fractions: Five Digits Numerator – PandigitalZenodo, October 06, 2019, pp. 1-362,
  7. Inder J. Taneja, Patterned Selfie FractionsZenodo, October 27, 2019, pp. 1-267,
  8. Inder J. Taneja, Patterns in Splitted Selfie Fractions, Zenodo, July 30, 2023, pp. 1-122,

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