During past years author worked with block-wise, bordered and block-bordered magic squares. This work make connection between block-wise and bordered magic squares. We started with block-wise bordered magic squares of orders 140 and 120. Based on these two big magic squares, the inner order magic squares multiples of 16 are studied. By inner orders we understand that magic squares of orders 100, 80, etc. The construction of the block-wise bordered magic squares multiples of 20 is based on equal sum blocks of magic squares of order 20. We have taken 57 different types of magic squares of order 20. The advantage in studying block-wise bordered magic squares is that when we remove external border, still we are left with magic squares with sequential entries. It is the same property of bordered magic squares with single digits numbers. The difference is that instead of numbers here we have blocks of equal sum magic squares of order 16. For multiples of orders 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 see the links below:
1. Block-Wise Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 4.
2. Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of Magic Squares of Order 6.
3. Block-Wise Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 8 – Revised
4. Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 10 – Revised.
5. Block-Wise Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 12 – Revised.
6. Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 14 – Revised.
7. Block-Wise Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 16.
8. Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 18.

    This work is up to order 140. Examples below are only up to order 60. The higher order examples can be seen in Excel file attached at the end of this work.

    Magic Squares of Order 20

    Below are only three examples of magic squares of order 20. It includes bordered, double digits, cornered magic squares, etc. Total 57 examples are considered in this work. The other examples are either in excel file and pdf file.

    Pdf file of 57 Magic Squares of Order 20

    Magic Squares of Order 40

    Below are only 3 examples of magic squares of order 40. The other are given in attached pdf file and in excel file given at the end.

    Pdf file of 57 Magic Squares of Order 40

    Magic Squares of order 60

    Pdf file of 57 Magic Squares of Order 60

    Excel file for Download

    The excel files below for download contains bordered magic square with blocks of magic squares of order 16. There are 57 examples in each case. Total work is from order 20 to 140. There are two files. One is with magic squares of orders 140 and 120. The second file is with magic squares of orders 100, 80, 60, 40 and 20.

    Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of Order 20

    Below are pandiagonal magic squares from orders 20 to 120 multiples of 20. These are formed by magic squares of orders 4 and 5. The magic squares of order 4 are pandiagonal and of equal sums. The magic squares of order 5 are also pandiagonal but with different sums. In the end there is an excel file of all the pandiagonal magic squares for download.

    Pandiagonal Magic Squares of Order 20

    Pandiagonal Magic Square of Order 40

    Pandiagonal Magic Square of Order 60

    Excel file for Download

    The excel file below for download contain pandiagonal magic squares multiples of order 20 from order 20 to 120.

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