Below are just examples of cornered magic squares of orders 11 to 13. These are in all the four corners of each magic square. This work was possible with the help of Harry White (Magic Squares –
This work can be accessed at the following link:
Inder Jeet Taneja, Cornered Magic Squares of Orders 5 to 13, Zenodo, June 03, 2023, pp. 1-71, https://10.5281/zenodo.8000467.
The previous orders can be accessed at the following link:
Inder Jeet Taneja, Cornered Magic Squares of Orders 5 to 10
Cornered Magic Squares of Order 11
Below are examples of cornered magic squares of order 11 cornered in four directions with different type of magic squares.

Above there are seven examples of cornered magic squares of order 11. First example is embedded with cornered magic squares of orders 3, 5, 7 and 9. We may call it as chained or nested magic squares. The next four examples are with magic squares of orders 5 and 7. One of them is pandiagonal and another as bordered magic squares of orders 5 and 7. The last two examples are with two different types of magic squares of order 9. One of them is bordered and another as formed by semi-magic equal sums magic squares of order 3.
Cornered Magic Square of Order 12
Below are examples of cornered magic squares of order 12 cornered in four directions with different type of magic squares.

Above there are twenty examples of cornered magic squares of order 12. First example is embedded with cornered magic squares of orders, 4, 6 and 10. We may call it as chained or nested magic squares. The other examples are based on magic squares of orders 6, 8 and 10 in different ways.
Cornered Magic Squares of Order 13
Below are cornered magic squares of orders 13. There are total 9 examples. These in all the four directions.

Above there are nine examples of cornered magic squares of order 12. First example is embedded with cornered magic squares of orders 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. We may call it as chained or nested magic squares. The next four examples are with magic squares of orders 5 and 7. One of them is pandiagonal and another as bordered magic squares of orders 5 and 7. Further two examples with magic squares of order 9. One of them is bordered and another as equal sums block of semi-magic squares of order 3. The last two examples are with two different types of magic squares of order 11. One of them is bordered and another as formed by semi-magic equal sums magic squares of order 3.
For further corned magic squares click the link below.