Before are two examples of magic rectangles made by stripes.

Striped Magic Rectangles

Example 1. Below is an example of magic rectangle of order 6×14

The above magic rectangle is constructed based on following equal width stripes.

Example 2. Below is another example of magic rectangle of order 10×12:

The above magic rectangle is also constructed based on following equal width stripes.

From above two example we understand the idea of stripes in case of magic rectangles. Below are few examples of striped magic squares of order 16. The full list is given at the end as pdf file for download.

Striped Magic Squares of Order 16

Below is a pdf file of all the striped magic squares of order 16. There are total 348 striped magic squares of order 16.

Pdf file of Magic Squares of Order 16

The above work is also available online:

The previous work is available at the following link:

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