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Work on Recreating Numbers
- Crazy Representations of Half a Million Natural Numbers: Part 5 – 460.001 to 500.000
- Crazy Representations of Half a Million Natural Numbers: Part 4 – 420.001 to 460.000
- Crazy Representations of Half a Million Natural Numbers: Part 3 – 380.001 to 420.000
- Crazy Representations of Half a Million Natural Numbers: Part 2 – 340.001 to 380.000
- Crazy Representations of Half a Million Natural Numbers: Part 1 – 300.001 to 340.000
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 260001 to 280000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 240001 to 260000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 220001 to 240000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 200001 to 220000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 180001 to 200000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 160001 to 180000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 140001 to 160000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 120001 to 140000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 100001 to 120000 – Revised
- Multiple Choice Patterns in Selfie Numbers – II
- Multiple Representations of Selfie Numbers – II
- Multiple Choice Patterns in Selfie Numbers – I
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers from 0 to 10000 Using Factorial and Square Root
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers from 0 to 10000 Using Cubic Function
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers from 0 to 10000 Using Square Function
- Fixed Power Representation of Numbers
- Unified Study of Narcissistic Numbers without and with Division
- Multiple Representations of Selfie Numbers – I
- Pyramid-Type Representations of Natural Numbers from 1001 to 10000
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 280001 to 300000 – Revised
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers 0 to 10000 Using Triangular Numbers
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers from 0 to 10000 Using Fibonacci Sequence Values
- Patterns in Splitted Selfie Fractions
- Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers From 40001 to 50000
- Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers From 30001 to 40000
- Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers From 20001 to 30000
- Representation of Numbers from 1 to 20000 in Terms of Palindromic Digits 1357-9-7531
- Representation of Numbers from 1 to 10000 in Terms of Palindromic Digits 2022-2202
- Crazy Running Equality Expressions With Factorial and Square-Root
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 20001 to 40000
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 80001 to 100000
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 60001 to 80000
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 40001 to 60000
- Pandigital-Type and Pythagorean Triples Patterns
- Patterns in Pythagorean Triples
- Factorial-Type Numerical Calender 2021
- 3 and 5-Digits Multiple Choice Embedded Palprimes
- 4-Digits Prime Numbers in Fixed Digits Repetition Prime Patterns
- Prime Numbers in Fixed Digits Repetitions Prime Patterns
- Same Digits Embedded Palprimes of Lengths 3, 5 and 7
- Patterned Single Digits Representations of Natural Numbers
- Patterned Single Letter Representations of Natural Numbers
- Fixed and Flexible Powers Narcissistic Numbers with Division
- Pyramid-Type Representations of Natural Numbers
- Different Digits Equivalent Fractions: Three Digits Numerator
- Different Digits Equivalent Fractions: Two Digits Numerator
- Different Digits Equivalent Fraction: Single Digit Numerator
- Patterned Selfie Fractions
- Fibonacci Sequence Type Selfie Numbers with Factorial: Reverse Order of Digits
- Fibonacci Sequence Type Selfie Numbers with Factorial: Digit’s Order
- Fibonacci Sequence Type Selfie Numbers With Square-Root
- Different Digits Selfie Fractions: Five Digits Numerator – Pandigital
- Different Digits Selfie Fractions: Four Digits Numerator
- Different Digits Selfie Fractions: Two and Three Digits Numerators
- Repeated Digits Selfie Fractions: Two and Three Digits Numerators
- Square-Root Type Selfie Numbers
- Prime Numbers in Prime Numbers Up To 5 Digits
- Power-Type Semi-Selfie Numbers and Patterns
- Selfie Numbers With Binomial Coefficients, Triangular Numbers and Factorial
- Same Digits Equality Expressions: Power and Plus
- Selfie Numbers With Binomial Coefficients, Triangular Numbers and Square-Root
- Fibonacci Sequence Type Selfie Numbers: Basic Operations
- Binomial Coefficients Triangular Type Selfie Numbers: Basic Operations
- Triangular-Type Selfie Numbers: Reverse Order of Digits
- Triangular-Type Selfie Numbers: Digit’s Order
- Pandigital Equivalent Selfie Fractions
- Selfie Numbers With Binomial Coefficients and Fibonacci Numbers
- Selfie Numbers: Basic Operations
- Different Digits Equivalent Fractions – II
- Different Digits Equivalent Fractions – I
- Selfie Fractions: Addable, Subtractable, Dottable and Potentiable
- Selfie Numbers With Binomial Coefficients
- Cubic-Type Selfie Numbers
- Concatenation-Type Selfie Numbers With Factorial and Square-Root
- Factorial-Type Selfie Numbers in Reverse Order of Digits
- Factorial-Type Selfie Numbers in Digit’s Order
- Amicable Numbers With Patterns in Products and Powers
- Magic Squares Type Palprimes of Orders 5×5, 7×7 and 9×9
- Quadratic-Type Selfie Numbers
- Natural Numbers From 1 to 20000 in Terms of Fibonacci Sequence and Triangular Numbers
- Selfie Expressions With Factorial, Fibonacci and Triangular Values
- Simultaneous Representations of Selfie Numbers in Terms of Fibonacci and Triangular Numbers
- Factorial-Power Selfie Expressions
- Same Digits Equalities Expressions
- Flexible Powers Narcissistic-Type Numbers
- Fibonacci Sequence and Selfie Numbers
- Triangular-Type Selfie Numbers
- Permutable Powers Selfie Numbers
- Multiple Choice Power Expressions
- Patterns in Selfie and Semi-Selfie Numbers
- Semi-Selfie Numbers
- Fixed Digits Repetitions Prime Patterns of Length 6
- Fixed Digits Repetitions Prime Patterns of Length 7
- Fixed Digits Repetitions Prime Patterns of Lengths 10, 9 and 8
- Single Letter Patterned Representations and Fibonacci Sequence Values
- Single Letter Representations of Natural Numbers from 1 to 11111
- Fraction-Type Single Letter Representations of Natural Numbers From 1 to 11111
- Permutable Power Minimum Length Representations of Natural Numbers from 0 to 20000
- Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers From 15001 to 20000
- Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers From 10001 to 15000
- Palindromic-Type Pandigital Patterns in Pythagorean Triples
- Multiple-Type Patterns and Pythagorean Triples
- Patterns in Pythagorean Triples Using Single and Double Variable Procedures
- Crazy Representations of Natural Numbers From 11112 to 20000
- Palindromic-Type Squared Expressions with Palindromic and Non-Palindromic Sums – I
- Palindromic-Type Non-Palindromes – I
- Palindromic-Type Palindromes – I
- All Digits Flexible Power Representations of Natural Numbers From 30001 to 50000
- All Digits Flexible Power Representations of Natural Numbers From 11112 to 30000
- Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers From 5001 to 10000
- Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers From 1 to 5000
- Running Expressions with Triangular Numbers – I
Work in Magic Squares
- New Concepts in Magic Squares: Cornered Magic Squares of Orders 5 to 108
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Order 25
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Order 24
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Orders 21 to 23
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Orders 17 to 20
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Orders 14 to 16
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Orders 11 to 13
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Orders 7 to 10
- Upside-Down, Mirror Looking and Water Reflection Magic Squares: Orders 3 to 6
- Universal and Upside-down Magic Cubes
- Magic Cubes Based on Magic Squares
- Striped Magic Squares of Order 12 – Revised
- Striped Magic Squares of Order 16 – Revised
- Striped Magic Squares of Order 18
- Different Types of Magic Squares of Order 14 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles
- Striped Magic Squares of Even Orders 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14
- Different Types of Magic Squares of Orders 6, 8, 10 and 12
- Cornered Magic Squares in Construction of Magic Squares of Orders 16, 20, 24 and 28
- Different Types of Magic Rectangles in Construction of Magic Squares of Order 34
- Different Types of Magic Rectangles in Construction of Magic Squares of Order 30
- Different Types of Magic Rectangles in Construction of Magic Squares of Order 26
- Different Types of Magic Rectangles in Construction of Magic Squares of Order 22
- Different Types of Magic Rectangles in Construction of Magic Squares of Orders 14 and 18
- Different Types of Magic Rectangles
- A Simplified Procedure to Construct Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 4
- New Concepts in Magic Squares: Cornered Magic Squares of Orders 5 to 81
- New Concepts in Magic Squares: Double Digits Bordered Magic Squares of Orders 7 to 108
- Magic Squares of Order 31
- Magic Squares of Order 29
- Magic Squares of Order 27
- Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 20
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 18
- Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 16
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 14
- Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 12
- Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 10
- Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 8
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of Order 6
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 17
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 19
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 15
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 13
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 11
- Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 9
- Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 7
- Bordered and Pentagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 5
- Magic Squares of Orders 25
- Magic Squares of Orders 21 and 23
- Magic Squares of Orders 17 and 19
- Odd Order Magic Squares: Orders 3 to 15
- Multiple Order Bordered Magic Squares
- Cornered Magic Squares of Orders 14 to 24
- Cornered Magic Squares of Orders 5 to 13
- Cornered Magic Squares of Order 6
- Two Digits Bordered Magic Squares of Orders 34 and 38
- Block-Wise Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 3
- Two digits Bordered Magic Squares of Orders 36 and 40
- Two Digits Bordered Magic Squares of Orders 26 and 30
- Two Digits Bordered Magic Squares of Orders 10, 14, 18 and 22
- Two Digits Bordered Magic Squares of Orders 28 and 32
- Two Digits Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of 4: Orders 8 to 24
- 8000+ Magic Squares of Order 22 in Different Styles, Models and Designs
- Closed Double-Crossed Bordered Magic Rectangles and Magic Squares of Order 42
- Double-cross Bordered Magic Rectangles and Magic Squares of Order 42
- Single-Cross Bordered Magic Rectangles and Magic Squares of Order 42
- Magic Squares of Order 42 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Double Crossed Bordered Magic Rectangles and Magic Squares of Order 40
- Single Crossed Bordered Magic Rectangles and Magic Squares of Order 40
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 40 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 38 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 36 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 34 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 32 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 30 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 28 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 26 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 24 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Order 22 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Orders 18 and 20 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Figured Magic Squares of Orders 6, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles: A Systematic Procedure
- Different Styles of Magic Squares of Order 20 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles
- Different Styles of Magic Squares of Order 18 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles
- Different Styles of Magic Squares of Order 16 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles
- Few Examples of Magic Squares of Even Orders 20 to 30 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles
- Few Examples of Magic Squares of Even Orders 6 to 18 Using Bordered Magic Rectangles
- Magic Rectangles in Construction of Magic and Block Bordered Magic Squares
- Different Types of Multiple Style Magic Squares of Order 30
- Different Types of Multiple Style Magic Squares of Order 28
- Different Types of Multiple Style Magic Squares of Order 32
- Multiple Style Different Types of Magic Squares of Order 36
- Different Types of Multiple Style Magic Squares of Order 40
- Different Types of Magic Squares of Order 32: Part 4
- Different Types of Magic Squares of Order 32: Part 3
- Different Types of Magic Squares of Order 32: Part 2
- Different Types of Magic Squares of Order 32: Part 1
- Different Types of Magic Squares: Even Number Orders From 10 to 26
- 100-Magic Squares of Order 42 With Numbers 00-99
- Block-Wise and Block-Bordered Magic Squares With Magic Sum 2022
- Block-Wise Bordered and Pandiagonal Magic Squares Multiples of 4
- Creative Magic Squares: Area Representations With Fraction Numbers Entries
- Magic Squares With Perfect Square Sum of Entries: Orders 3 to 47
- Minimum Perfect Square Sum Bordered and Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares: Orders 32 to 47
- Minimum Perfect Square Sum Bordered and Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares: Orders 3 to 31
- Magic Squares With Perfect Square Sum of Entries: Orders 3 to 31
- Sequential Pythagorean Triples and Perfect Square Sum Magic Squares
- Generating Pythagorean Triples and Magic Squares: Orders 3 to 31
- Block-Wise and Block-Bordered Magic Squares Generated by Pythagorean Triples: Orders 3 to 47
- Creative Magic Squares: Increasing and Decreasing Orders Crazy Representations
- Creative Magic Squares: Permutable Base-Power Digits Representations
- Creative Magic Squares: Single Letter Representations
- Creative Magic Squares: Single Digit Representations
- Block-Wise Universal Bimagic and Semi-Bimagic Squares With Digits 1 and 8
- Odd Order Multiples Universal Magic Squares With 1 and 8
- Bordered and Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares: Odd Order Multiples
- Bordered and Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares: Even Order Multiples
- Fixed Digits Repetitions Prime Patterns for 5-Digits Prime Numbers
- Block-Wise and Block-Bordered Magic and Bimagic Squares of Orders 10 to 47
- Block-Wise and Block-Bordered Magic and Bimagic Squares With Magic Sums 21, 21^2 and 2021
- Fractional and Decimal Type Bordered Magic Squares With Magic Sum 2021
- Upside-Down Magic Squares of Orders 128, 126 and 120 With Digits 6 and 9
- Universal Magic Squares of Orders 128, 126 and 120 With Digits 2 and 5
- Universal Magic Squares of Orders 128, 126 and 120 With Digits 1 and 8
- Block-Bordered Magic Squares of Prime and Double Prime Orders – III
- Block-Bordered Magic Squares of Prime and Double Prime Numbers – II
- Block-Bordered Magic Squares of Prime and Double Prime Numbers – I
- Upside-Down Magic Squares of Type 4k, 6k and 12k Using the Digits 6 and 9
- Universal Magic Squares of Type 4k, 6k and 12k Using the Digits 1 and 8
- Universal Magic Squares of Type 4k, 6k and 12k Using the Digits 2 and 5
- Upside-Down Magic and Bimagic Squares of Orders 17 to 32 With Digits 6 and 9
- Universal Magic and Bimagic Squares of Orders 17 to 32 With Digits 2 and 5
- Universal Magic and Bimagic Squares of Orders 17 to 32 With Digits 1 and 8
- 2-Digits Universal and Upside-Down Palindromic Magic and Bimagic Squares: Orders 3 to 16
- Universal Palindromic Day and Two Digits Magic Squares
- Bordered Magic Squares With Order Square Magic Sums
- Fractional and Decimal Type Bordered Magic Squares With Magic Sum 2020
- General Sum Symmetric and Positive Entries Nested Magic Squares
- Symmetric Properties of Nested Magic Squares
- Nested Magic Squares With Perfect Square Sums, Pythagorean Triples, and Borders Differences
- Block-Wise Constructions of Magic and Bimagic Squares of Orders 8 to 108
- Perfect Square Sum Magic Squares
- Block-Wise Magic and Bimagic Squares of Orders 39 to 45
- Palindromic, Patterned Magic Sums, Composite, and Colored Patterns in Magic Squares
- Block-Wise Magic and Bimagic Squares of Orders 12 to 36
- Different Digits Magic Squares and Number Patterns
- Representations of Letters and Numbers With Equal Sums Magic Squares of Orders 4 and 6
- Block-Wise Unequal Sums Magic Squares
- Block-Wise Equal Sums Magic Squares of Orders 3k and 6k
- Magic Crosses: Repeated and Non Repeated Entries
- Magic Rectangles in Construction of Block-Wise Pandiagonal Magic Squares
- Generating Pythagorean Triples, Patterns, and Magic Squares
Mixed Work
- Numbers and Magic Squares Representations of Hardy-Ramanujan Number-1729
- Reflexive Year 25: Mathematics of 25 and 2025 in Numbers and Magic Squares
- Mathematical Aspects of 24 and 2024
- Mathematical Representations of the Last Day of the Year 23 Written American Style: 12.31.23 (123123)
- 23 and 2023 in Numbers and Patterns
- Mathematical Beauty of 2022
- 21 Mathematical Highlights for 2021
- Geometrical, Numerical, and Symmetrical Representations for the Days of 2020
- Factorial-Type Numerical Calendar
- 2020 In Numbers: Mathematical Style – Revised
- 2019 In Numbers
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