In the previous work, we established representations of numbers numbers from 0 to 1000 using only single digit, i.e., in terms of  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is done only using basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, potentiation and division. The same work is extended natural numbers up to 10000.  Below are links for download the work and some examples. 

Link for download the work:

  1. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 1 to 5000
  2. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 5001 to 10000
  3. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 10001 to 15000;
  4. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 15001 to 20000;

Also see videos by Matt Parker – Numberphile:

(i) The 10,958 Problem – Numberphile – M. Parker – 2017
(ii)  A 10,958 Solution – Numberphile – M. Parker – 2017



Previos works:

  1. I.J. TANEJA, Single Digit Representations of Natural Numbers, Feb. 2015, pp.1-55,
    Also in RGMIA Research Report Collection, 18(2015), Art. 15, pp.1-55.
  2. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 1 to 2500, 2018
  3. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 2501 to 5000, 2018
  4. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 5001 to 7500, 2018
  5. I.J. TANEJASingle Digit Representations of Numbers From 7501 to 10000, 2018.

See also patterns in single digit:

  • Inder J. Taneja, Patterned Single Digits Representations of Natural Numbers, Zenodo, July 04, 2020, pp. 1-590,
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