This work brings representations of 2023 in different ways. These representations are of crazy-type, running numbers, single digit, single letter, Triangular, Fibonacci, palindromic-type, prime numbers, embedded, repeated digits, colored patterns, magic squarespatterned designs, etc. This year the number 23 is a prime number. Let’s call it prime year.

Below is a link of work for download:
Inder J. Taneja, 23 and 2023 in Numbers and Patterns, Zenodo, December 22, 2022, pp. 1-51,

    This work brings representations of 23 and 2023 in following topics:

    1. Crazy Representations
    2. Single Digit Representations
    3. Single Letter Representations
    4. Pyramid-Type Power Representations
    5. Narcissistic-Type Representations
    6. Selfie Fractions
    7. Semi-Selfie Representations
    8. Running Equality Expressions
    9. Selfie Representations
    10. Power Representations
    11. Pythagorean Triples and Magic Squares
    12. Palindromic-Type Expressions
    13. Fixed Digits Repetitions Prime Patterns
    14. Embedded and Palindromic Prime Numbers
    15. Same Digits Equality Expressions
    16. Upside Down and Mirror Looking
    17. 2023 in Magic Squares of Order 4
    18. Two Colors Patterns with 20-23
    19. References

    The whole work is given below in frames:

    1. Crazy Representations

    2. Single Digits Representations

    3. Single Letter Representations

    4. Pyramid-Type Power Representations

    5. Narcissistic-Type Representations

    6. Selfie Fractions

    7. Semi-Selfie Representations

    8. Running Equality Expressions

    9. Selfie Representations

    10. Power Representations

    11. Pythagorean Triples and Magic Squares

    12. Palindromic-Type Expressions

    13. Fixed Digits Repetitions Prime Patterns

    14. Embedded and Palindromic Prime Numbers

    15. Same Digits Equality Expressions

    16. Upside Down and Mirror Looking

    17. 2023 in Magic Squares of Order 4

    18. Two Colors Patterns with 20-23

    19. References

    2 thoughts on “23 and 2023 in Numbers and Patterns”
    1. Thanks again this year for some lovely math representations for 23 and 2023. I believe there is another fun power of 3 representation for 2023 = 9^3 + 8^3 + 7^3 + 6^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 + 3^3 + 2^3 – 1^3. Happy New Year!

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