During past years author worked with block-wise, block-bordered and block-wise bordered magic squares. Recently, author wrote block-wise and block-wise bordered magic sequares mutliples of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Considering multiples of 6, we have two magic square with equal sums and equal digits blocks of order 6 resulting in magic square of order 42. Here we have 49 block-wise and block-bordered magic sequares of equal sums of order 6 given magic sequare of order 42. See below these two magic squares.

For more details see the following link:
- Inder J. Taneja, Block-Wise Bordered Magic Squares Multiples of Magic and Bordered Magic Squares of Order 6, https://numbers-magic.com/?p=316
Based on above two magic sequares, we have written 100 magic squares with numbers 00 to 99. See below the link of work:
- Inder J. Taneja, 100-Magic Squares of Order 42 With Numbers 00-99, 100-Magic Squares of Order 42 With Numbers 00-99. Zenodo, Feb. 10, 2022, pp. 1-31, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6035740
- Excel file for download:
100 magic squares with numbers 00 to 99: